CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 27, 2009

Trick Props and Illusions

Props: "This summer, we’re doing Twelfth Night at the New York Shakespeare Festival. There’s a number of trick and gag props in the show. Trick props are easy to do; you just need to remember every single mechanical gizmo, electrical doodad, and moving part you have ever run across in every object that exists, and pick the one that will work the best."


NatalieMark said...

This is a really interesting way to think about making props. The use of all the gears, pulleys, and tricks you have ever come across makes the task of making trick props seem like magic. Its a combination of engineering and your imagination. This is wonderful.

Ethan Weil said...

I especially like the first one of these, the links to all sorts of unusual linkages. When i was looking at schools I got to visit a museum in Chicago (history and industry?) that had a great collection of linkages in a stairwell (IMO best part of the museum.) They had square gears and cams and universal joints and the like, all moving there in big picture frames.