CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 20, 2009

Judi Dench Shocked by Manacles at Party: London Stage Reviews "In Yukio Mishima’s 1965 play “Madame de Sade,” Judi Dench has a long monologue describing a Yuletide party. It involves whips, a manacled daughter, and a servant who licks up blood. A gripping speech it is too, though I couldn’t help wondering what they did with the leftover turkey and paper hats."

1 comment:

amnion said...

My name is Aaron Embry
I thought you might be interested in seeing Yukio Mishima's film
"Yukoku-the Rite of Love and Death"
with the original score I wrote.
Watch the film here:

Share your thought in the comments !

Aaron Embry