CMU School of Drama

Saturday, March 14, 2009

'Hair' transplant on Broadway

Variety: "The question hanging over the Broadway transfer of 'Hair' isn't whether the 1967 flower-power tuner can still speak to contempo auds. The uncertainty hinges in part on whether the $5.8 million transfer about anti-war hippies retains the same urgency in the age of Obama as it had in the waning days of the Bush administration."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some reason everyone seems to be reviving old shows. Somehow I don't think the current economy is going to help that. Instead of spending so much money making a show that was free into an expensive Broadway show, they should invest the money into creating new content. I get that using the tried and true shows is safer, but it I feel that those shows have been done. They become a point of interest for a short time bu then they quickly close because everyone has already seen it