CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BBC rejects play on Israel's history for impartiality reasons "The BBC has declined to broadcast a radio version of Caryl Churchill's controversial new stage play about Israeli history, claiming it needed to remain impartial ‑ the same reason given for declining to air the Gaza emergency appeal."


C. Ammerman said...

It's actually fairly refreshing to see people refusing to do something in interst of remaining impartial. In a world where political correctness is almost stifling present, it really is rare that someone just says no to something in interest of not getting involved. The fact that The BBC has to recover from situations like this is the more troubling issue. The BBC can on most levels do what they want with their content, so the idea that they decide not to do something shouldn't be big news that generates a whole slew of debates.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is impartial to ignore historical facts. Pure and simple. While it may be biased to portray events in a certain light, facts about Isreal's history, which should have been paramount in a BBC piece, I think you can not simply discount them based on where they come from.