CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Q & A with Scott Georgeson

ecoTheater: "Recently, I thought it might be nice to have a sort of guest speaker here on ecoTheater who really knows what they’re talking about. I’ve asked a few people over the last several months if they’d be interested in answering ten specific questions about green theater, and the one person who has really come through and given us all a window into his informed perspective is Scott Georgeson, a theater architect with HGA Architects & Engineers in Milwaukee."

1 comment:

Sam Thompson said...

Mr. Georgeson has a couple of very good points which interest me: First of all, it's a very good point, and one that I hadn't really thought about, that going green is not only good for the environment, but good for the budget as well. By making the theatre more efficient, we can significantly reduce energy costs, all while lessening our impact on the environment. The second point I found interesting was that a theatre can play a major role in getting green technologies noticed. Because there is a steady audience, many people will have an opportunity to witness or be informed of the "greening" of a theatre, and may be persuaded to try out some energy-saving measures themselves. I think that we, as a theatre community, could do a lot to reduce energy consumption, as well as spreading the green message to the general public.