CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 12, 2008

Inspirational -- MoI Takes on the Industry

CAD Insider: "I had been hearing glowing reports about MoI from CAD insiders. The consensus was: a very easy-to-use CAD 3D modeling program. I was curious. I also wanted to meet what appeared to be one man, who all by himself, was taking on industry giants such as SolidWorks and Autodesk."


NatalieMark said...

That is amazing! The program sounds effective for simple inputs and computes in a quick, easy way.

dmxwidget said...

I have not had a chance to use AutoCAD 3d yet so I am not sure how difficult it is. It is good to know that smaller companies are able to produce effective software that can compete with major manufacturers. I would look into trying this out as an alternative to autoCAD for quick projects.