CMU School of Drama

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Head of Carnegie Mellon design school to give talk at WVU "Boyarski was recently a member of the Samsung Electronics Design advisory board after working with Samsung as a project director in its Innovative Design Lab. He has served on several design juries and has given presentations across the world, including at the 2003 International Design Culture Conference at Seoul National University."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that social responsibility is being discussed. The approach to interactive entertainment, video games, as well as movies and even Broadway's new season is so extremely shallow. I enjoy experiences that explore an issue or something similar. And that doesn't mean boring. For example "Pan's Labyrinth" is an extremely popular movie but still looks at so many aspects of humanity as well as history and childhood perceptions. I hope that CMU helps emphasize that art can be powerful and they should be used to teach however subtlety as well as entertain.