CMU School of Drama

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Google Ups the Ante in White Space

FOH online: "Google has upped the ante in the white space debate with the launch of a new public campaign and Web site, “Free the Airwaves,” advocating for the deregulation of white space between broadcast TV channels."

1 comment:

Aaron S said...

Now I realize I have a biased opinion of this argument because I am a sound guy, but I think google is being a little unreasonable in their push for the "DTV white space". Google is making the entertainment industry look like asses who are unwilling to change, but frankly there is so much open space in the spectrum, why do they need this range? Google is waging a press war while the audio and entertainment companies don't want to tell the general public that everyone is miked, although they subconsciously know it anyways. Come on, can't we hang on to that willing suspension of disbelief we work so hard to keep.