CMU School of Drama

Monday, January 28, 2008

President Notes Successes, Challenges in Diversity Address

8 1/2 x 11 Newsletter: "In his annual State of Diversity address this past Monday, Carnegie Mellon President Jared L. Cohon said the university has made advances in its quest for diversity across campus, but challenges remain, specifically in undergraduate minority enrollment and in the recruitment for senior staff positions."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The touchy issue with trying to add diversity more effectively at CMU is that its not okay to hire faculty or admit students simply because they are black. What's difficult, I think, about being a college is that by the time students reach 18 and are ready to enter they either are or aren't prepared for a school like CMU, regardless of color. There is a change that needs to happen in educational equality from jump, I mean elementary schools need to be better. AND middle schools and high schools.

That said, I think ultimately what a university's role in all this should be is to be a welcoming environment for everyone, no matter what. I do think that programs like the one mentioned in the article that brings minority students to campus is great, but the government needs to be there and fix the schools so that nobody NEEDS to leave their high school for suitable math and science.