CMU School of Drama

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Katowice Journal: Andrew Paul in Poland

Post Gazette: "'Stuff Happens' translates (in our text) as 'pewne rzeczy sie zdarzaja,' though I have the actor who opens the show say the first line, the title, in English. Polish is quite a difficult language to learn. It also requires more syllables than English to say precisely the same thing -- the Polish text is 4 full pages longer than my original, this is not insignificant! It makes directing for rhythm and tempo quite tricky. We are continually reevaluating the text in rehearsal to find the optimal way to bring out the nuances."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved this article because of the interesting contrast between the situation of the director on his travels and the subject matter of the production. I also really liked the accounts of the Polish translation work. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to direct a play in a language that was relatively foreign to you. But it also must be a great way of further exploring the text because the actors for it are coming from a very different realm of experience, bringing an entirely new understanding to the show. It would be interesting to read about what the actors think of the performance or the reactions from the audience in Poland.