CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How Instant Messaging Can Make You More Productive «

Web Worker Daily: "Web Worker Daily writer Leo Babauta suggested recently that the best way to be productive with instant messaging may be just not to use it. Yet many web workers find that instead of decreasing their productivity, instant messaging enhances it. Researchers R. Kelly Garrett and James N. Danziger argue that far from making interruptions more frequent and disruptive, IM can be used to manage interruptions"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thikn this is actually interesting, I am glad they mentioned ignoring or other types of message blocking methods. Away status and logging off are also ways to really block it for some serious work. I agree that IM is a good mathod of communication because like a phone it is instant, but it is slightly less involved, and casual I liked the example of sending an instant message to talk on the phone later, that is sensible and allows you to be a productive as possible.