CMU School of Drama

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Broadway's Standoff Has Union Facing New Economics, Technology Muse: "If I'm producing a musical today, my payroll includes paying a stagehand $40,000 a year to mop the stage. Whether the stage needs mopping or not. This is not skilled labor. I can't afford to keep paying men who don't have anything to do, or men who have too little to do but can't be asked to push a mop."

1 comment:

Dave said...

I definitely agree with this authors view of the situation. As another article said, the new contract that Local 1 has proposed will potentially increase the cost of a new production by as much as 30 or 40 percent. The big problem is they want to keep a lot of people working on these loadins, when you may not need quite so many. If anything I would think that the number of persons needed for a loadin should depend on the size of the show, to be determined by the production manager or TD. We don't live in the days of hemp rigging any more, maybe its time to re-evaluate the loadin process.