CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Blue Man Group turned the amps up at Mellon Arena

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "'How to Be a Megastar 2.1' delivered rock bombast along with some phantasmagoric visuals. At one point, the lights went down, showing the trio of Blue Men outlined in multicolored horizontal bars of light. 'Wow!' said a pre-school-age boy in the ninth row."


weandme said...

i have seen the blue man group in a small venue so i hope that they used some sort of video screens or something so that the audience could see the small details of the show because i know that the mellon arena is very large, and those details really made the show enjoyable for me.

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see them in concert. I really wanted to go see stevie wonder perform at the mellon arena but crew and work wont let me. BOOO! oh well tickets are liek $75 cheapest. EKKS