CMU School of Drama

Friday, August 31, 2007


NY Post: "ON the heels of the fiasco that was 'Tarzan' and the lumbering bore that is 'Mary Poppins' comes Disney Theatrical's latest stage cartoon, 'The Little Mermaid' - which Variety has helpfully dubbed 'a waterlogged misstep.'"


Anonymous said...

I am admittedly not a fan of the disney musical. However, I do like the idea of taking the cartoons and making them a bit more artsy (although in my opinion the little mermaid would be a lot more interesting if it followed the original fairytale). But Broadway is such a tricky business: if they try something completely new and artsy with Disney you run the risk of losing an audience; if they make a flashy production that brings in the ten-year-old girls, you run the risk of bad reviews and a reputation among adults as putting on an awful show. And even making something "artsy" can go wrong in so many ways, as the article suggests. Is it maybe the European influence present that audiences, especially little girls, don't get here? Maybe audiences just want to see something new, from Disney and in general? Either way, it looks to me like the Disney should seriously consider invetsing its millions somewhere else.

Kelli Sinclair said...

Ok, here's the thing with Disney of Broadway. Yes, Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King were great hits!! I still am trying to find tickets to any production of The Lion King. There is something about them that is classic, but at the same time enjoy theatre. But since of these two shows becoming the great hits that they are Disney has turned it's face from actually wanting to create theatre to just filling sits from the already popular titles. They have since had Tarzan, Mary Poppins, and now the Little Mermaid on Broasway. They just have thier fingers in too many pies at one time. The best way for Disney to find it's way back on Broadway with another hit is to hold off on the new musicals and wait till the market is right for another Lion King.