CMU School of Drama

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Toolmonger’s Top 5: The Week In Tools

Toolmonger: "It’s been a busy week here at Toolmonger. If you’ve been spending time in the shop — you should! — and you haven’t had a chance to keep up with Toolmonger this week, we suggest you start with these posts"


Ethan Weil said...

I love the Duluth dental tool kit. They have enough precision to be useful for working on electrical circuits and other small pieces. My dentist also has disposable mirrors on a plastic stick which save lots of time that would otherwise be spent taking pieces apart to inspect inside. Good for finding the scorched parts and hunting down loose connections.

Anonymous said...

OOoo! This is pretty nifty; I'm going to have to look into some of these tools more. I agree w/ Ethan on the dental tool kit, sounds quite neat. Also, the climbing gear sounds pretty sweet too.

Anonymous said...

The oak toolbox is really lovely, and also looks pretty sturdy, but I don't think I'd want a toolbox I'd be too worried about scratching to really use.