CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Advice for Students: How to Write Research Papers that Rock! "No assignment save the comprehensive final exam seems to engender such fear in students as the research paper, especially the open topic research paper. Faced with the prospect of writing 5, 8, 12, or more pages on a topic of their choosing, a lot of students panic, unsure what to write about and how to research it. "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though this article gave good advice at how to start a research paper that is interesting and unusual to the author, it didn't really talk about what makes a paper well-structured and well-supported, which I think is at least as important as an innovative topic. The suggestions of twisting a usual topic (like Jane Austen) and using it to gain a new perspective on something else (like today's society) were really interesting, however.