CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 30, 2007

Smoking's bad for your career

Marketplace: "A study of women in the Navy has found that smokers are less successful in their jobs, especially those who light up daily. "


Jeanie said...

Oh, I miss Marketplace. I used to listen to that all the time. The full show in the evening sometimes, too.

But yeah, this is some really data they've pulled out here.

I wonder how this translates into the theater industry... There might be a difference in the sense that smoking is more accepted in the theater business?

And I can only imagine what being a smoker in the Navy is like... They kind of have physical fitness requirements, don't they? You'd assume a smoker would have a little more difficulty in that area.

Anonymous said...

I would assume. it completely diminishes health....seems to me like a terrible idea, and i'm not really suprised that these stats came out, especially because we live in an increasingly health aware society...yu've gotta stay fit to keep up....we never expect to be effected by the things we do in our freetime...guess what.... we're wrong.

Annie said...

One horrible terrible day I walked outside of my wushu studio and witness what I couldn't believe... One of the masters (teacher) smoking!! An ATHLETE!!! WHY OH WHY?!?! Stupid China and their stupid fondness of cigarettes... But yes, I was shocked, SHOCKED! Fortunately the younger ones are less likely to smoke.

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