CMU School of Drama

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Recharging Your Batteries

Backstage: "Acting training programs have proliferated in academia in recent decades, with undergraduate and graduate departments sprouting nationwide. Young actors embark on an intensive -- and expensive -- course of study, and after graduation they tend to put the lessons and books behind them, needing jobs in order to establish themselves and pay off those annoying student loans. Consequently, they may not be flocking to private ongoing classes with the same enthusiasm as earlier generations. 'I think they're studied out,' Kornman says. 'They've had it for a while, and who can blame them?' "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find this article to be very interesting and particularly relevant to things I've thought about recently in terms of staying on your toes with school and learning and expanding. Sometimes it's just something you have to do to keep that fire burning for what you do or just change jobs and learn a new place. This is sort of inherent to the profession though not always and especially in between things it's easy to get caught in the same game over and over.